About Us
As our name suggests, MS-Advantage helps organisations take
advantage of their investment in Micrososft technologies,
particularly using the Micrsoft Office System suite of products.
Core to this suite of products is Microsoft SharePoint Server and the Office 365 platform.
MS-Advantage was founded in 2007. From December 2012 to November 2015, MS-Advantage was a co-owner and founder of FiveP Australia, a Microsoft Gold Partner in Melbourne. During this time, all of MS-Advantage's clients were transitioned over to FiveP. After taking a hiatus for a few months in late 2015/early 2016, MS-Advantage returned to its roots of providing quality independent SharePoint Consulting and Development services for its clients.
At MS-Advantage, we value quality of work. Our business consulting, training and documentation
skills are second to none. When you engage MS-Advantage, you can be assured that the consultants
you see are the best in the business - we will accept nothing less.